domingo, 30 de enero de 2011


"What, drawn, and talk of peace! I hate the word. As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee: Have at thee, coward!"

One of the most popular written stories of all times is Shakespeare´s Romeo and Juliet. The romance story has been adapted to a modern film named “Romeo + Juliet” in 1996. This movie has the same storyline and characters; the only thing that was changed was the time and place. Because of the modern adjustment, characters personality and way of acting was affected so they could fit the adaption. In comparison with the original story, Romeo and Juliet 1996´s characters actions seemed to be more exaggerated.  So the best adaption, role and acting of the movie was Tybalt. I could say that Tybalt was the best character portrayed in this film.

First of all Tybalt is the best adapted character in “Romeo + Juliet”. In the movie all characters changed their personality in an odd way, Tybalt personality changed in the best way he could: the badass male character. As an example, Juliet’s mother personality was changed to a crazy mother that only knows how to shout and make the ridiculous. Otherwise, Tybalt was just mad to kill Montague crew, which is just an exaggeration of the original character. Tybalt clothes are according to his character. All of Montague crew´s clothes are very weird, why would they wear Hawaiian shirts? I would not think about guns and tropical clothes mixed together. Opposite, Tybalt wore black suits which it makes you think about mafia, and obviously you would think of guns. Also Tybalt main purpose in the story was highlighted because of the adaption. In the film, the scene when Tybalt kills Mercutio was set in a good place and in a good timing, which makes remember about his hate for Montague and loyalty for his house. This scene would be the main reason for the problems getting bigger between Montague and Capulet.

He is a good model of a perfect antagonist.  In the film is very clear that Tybalt was evil from the beginning until he dies. The movie begins with a confrontation between Montague and Capulet´s crew, where Tybalt is shown as a man with no mercy. Also until the end of his life he thought of shooting Romeo.  Tybalt made the most important action to ruin main character´s life.  If Tybalt would not kill Mercutio, Romeo would not kill Tybalt so anything of the rest would not have happened. He didn’t thought about the consequences of his actions. One of the most important thing of bad people is that they do not feel empathy or they would not feel bad for anything. In other words Tybalt is a senseless person, which we can corroborate when he stabbed Mercutio.

Finally the acting skills make you believe in the character. The facial expressions, his body posture and movements are from a stereotyped villain character. The typical mouth expression with a cigarette, the evil look of the eyes and the slow way of walking are some of the characteristics of Tybalt. Also the spectators can feel his hate for Montague. When an actor is portraying well his character you can feel his/her emotions; in this case Tybalt hate´s for Montague is seen in the first scene, also at the party and until the end when he kills Mercutio.  It makes you feel that he could not be forgiven. All Tybalt´s actions makes you hate him and misunderstand him. This could not be accomplished if his acting skills were bad.

So the adaption, the good representation of a perfect antagonist and the acting of Tybalt, makes him the best character portrayed in this film. I would say that Romeo + Juliet would not be worth watching movie without this fabulous character. 

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