martes, 11 de enero de 2011

Calling Home

It was midnight and I couldn´t sleep, next day was my first day of school and I was praying for more summer vacations. Being the whole day in my house during summer for my mother means doing cleaning and making house stuff. Sometimes I thought I really hate doing cleaning, but still that night before school I would rather prefer doing chores and being in my house than making school work.  The thoughts of denying that my precious spare time was going to decrease caused me to fell asleep.  The next day was unavoidable, the annoying sound of the alarm was bouncing in my head during a few minutes. Even though the night before I was all mad about school, while taking a shower and eating breakfast I realized that it was new semester so It was a chance for me to improve in all aspects. “I should be more organized, make better notes with nice handwriting, don´t be late, make all my homework, improve my grades” where some of the things I told to myself while I was stuck in the middle of the traffic.
Unconsciously the first period of school went by, Biology was my last period exam and I didn´t answered it well at all. I began to remember what I told to myself the first day of classes, and sadly I realized I failed to kept my promises. Although I was a little bit disappointed of myself there was still hope: Second Period. Anyway in my mind I kept asking myself:  Why the first day of all years and the first day for work we usually make promises if we know we would only be keeping them in the first weeks? Unhappily after my horrible first period I didn´t made anything to change, and in a blink of an eye third and last period was almost over. I truly began to think that maybe I would change and be better in grades for the last period, but in my mind I kept asking me, why I wasn´t giving my best for school? Does everyone that makes promises about changing themselves fail attempting it?
One day in the evening I was enjoying my time in the cafeteria just talking about dumb things, I remembered that I needed to call home. I couldn´t ever imagine what was happening in my house at that moment. “Hello” my mom answered in a very tearful voice, what´s happening mom? I could felt that I would hear something really bad. “Your uncle is in the hospital, you know he is very sick” I didn´t thought of anything else, the only thought in my mind was of failure. School finished and I couldn´t raise my grades, also the worst thing happened in the year, my uncle passed away. I realized that although he was a very hard working person, he really enjoyed his life. Also he never failed to keep his promises and he struggled until the last moment. This is one of the most important things I remember since that day: give your best until the last moment and enjoy everything you do, so you can have a happy life.
Now every time that is a new beginning I don´t promise anything to myself, I just do things while thinking about enjoying them and giving my best for doing them

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