miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011


“We make the kind of movies we like to watch. There's lots of heart in our films.” (John Lasseter) Pixar is one of the most famous animation studios known. It was founded 1986 with the hope of making animations with computer graphics. Supporting each other, animator John Lasseter, computer graphics investigator Ed Catmull and main stockholder Steve Jobs make a perfect team for producing animated movies. Since their first movie Toy Story to Cars, all of the Pixar movies have got a great impact on cinemas. But the main question is what is the secret for Pixar success? The key for Pixar success is achieved thanks to the communication, environment and talent that exist on the company.
The first main key is the combination of talent of technology and arts. As it can be seen in Pixar Story movie, the people that work in the projects are from different disciplines and are experts in their work. The main example is the 3 main people of Pixar, as I mentioned before, Lasseter, Catmull and Steve Jobs worked together so they can combine their knowledge in their areas in order to achieve their goal, in this case make animated movies with the computer. They are experts in their areas, John Lasseter is one of the best animators and he has worked through all his life in animation, and Ed Catmull was one of the pioneers of computer graphics applied for animations. Also the blend of technology with art helps to achieve a perfect combination. John Lasster says: “The art challenges the technology, and the technology inspires the art”. In the story of Pixar, the technology was seen as a limiting for art, but later on the challenge was great and the technology became a useful tool to create espectacular movies. An example for this is A Bug`s Life, when they had troubles creating millions of ants, in the end the result was great and they could achieve to be seen many ants on screen. Another important thing of this combination is that because of the challenges that exist both areas (technology and art) have to look for innovation. As it was mentioned, new ideas for production challenged what technology could achieved in the moment, so a constant innovation of techniques and technology tools are needed.    

The second aspect is communication. The freedom to communicate with anyone is something important for knowing all areas and the opinions of everyone over a certain topic. On Pixar anyone can give feedback, no matter in which position the person is, the ideas are always welcome no matter from who. Also working the ideas as a team, makes the process for creating a better product, in this case everyone has to participate to make a good idea become a great one. Feedback is an important media to make better ideas, as said before to achieve a good idea, the communication between peers and just expressing your thoughts about something would make the process easier and more enriching 

The third reason for Pixar having succes is that it has a great environment of work. One of the most important things that Pixar directors are always talking about is the trust that they have with each other. They feel like everyone in Pixar are friends, everyone trust in the work that the other is doing, also they know they can relay if they need something. As seen in the movie of Pixar Story, the mood in the company is great, like a "playground" everyone feels free to make what they want to in order to create better ideas. Also to be able to say what you think and want to, makes it feel like home.The animators got what they want, they got a personal office with the stuff they like and whit things they are comfortable with.  

So the combination of different disciplines, blending technology and arts and the constant innovation of this areas. Also having a great communication with everyone, and being able to express anything you think about and idea and having a nice environment of work makes Pixar a great company, that can have success in any of their movies.     

lunes, 7 de marzo de 2011

Run Lola Run

How many times have we asked ourselves what will happen next or in a near future?  Run Lola Run is a German film from 1998. This film is divided into 3 different plot lines, in which the main problem remains being the same, Lola`s boyfriend had lose a great amount of money and if he doesn`t have the money in time he will be a dead man. The 3 stories get to a different end so, what would be the element that unifies these 3 stories? I think that the main element is the dog, that appears at the moment that Lola runs out of her house, unifies and at the same time makes the difference in the 3 plot lines of the movie.

The dog modifies how does the events happen because of the change of timing, so the destiny is in function of the time. In the first plot line when Lola is running downstairs she encounters the dog and barks at her, so her reaction is to be scared and just run away from the dog. Because she ran away from the dog she is on time for everything. She makes the car crash happen, also she gets to meet her father before her girlfriend told him that the child that she is waiting is from another man, so she gets late to meet Manny and as a result Manny gets in the supermarket to take the money he needs. In the second plot line, the dog mocks at Lola because she fells in the stairs so she began to cry. Because she stop a little bit more than the first time she is a little bit late for the events. She makes the car crash in another point as a result she is a little bit more late with her father so she let the dad lover to tell that the child she is waiting for is from another man, at the end she gets the money and she get to meet with Manny, but still the van, that stops because of the glass, crushes Manny. And finally the last bunch of events change because Lola stops to bark back at the dog so she is later for the happenings. She doesn`t makes the two car to crash at the beginning, because of this the man in the car meets Lola`s father so she couldn`t ask for his help. The guy of the bicycle sells the bike to the almoner, so Manny meets again this guy and he gets back his money, also Lola gets to a Casino and she wins the money and she is on time to meet Manny. So the dog makes the events to happen in a different order because of the timing.

The decisions that Lola makes are according the impression the dog makes in Lola. In the first plot line, Lola is scared because the dog barked at her so all the actions she makes after this are full of fear. We can see this when Lola asks for help from her father and she hadn`t the strength to face him. Also when Manny is stealing money from the super market we can see a Lola full of fear. The second time, the dog mocks at Lola and she cries, so all of her actions are made being emotional. The actions that define this is when she gets to her father to ask for money and she just starts to yell and cry. The last plot line is when the dog barks at Lola and she barks back defeating the dog.  Lola this time is full of conviction and strength. The action that can be seen with this attitude is when she is at the casino full of conviction to win the money. So the impression the dog made in Lola determines Lola`s actions.

There are 3 things that some people think that are determined by destiny: Love, death and Luck. How Lola reacts to the dog problem is how each plot line manages these 3 concept. The first is that Lola is scared to dog, so she is scared to not be loved. Lola in the first segment she does everything for love. Also at the end Lola keeps asking Manny if he loves her. Secondly Lola gets hurt by the dog, so she doesn`t not want to be hurt by losing someone (to be dead) In the second segment she knows what will happen, so she tries to make everything different but at last she is hurt by losing Manny. At the end of second segment Manny asks Lola what would she do if he dies. And for the third segment Lola jumps and defeats the dog, so she makes a leap of faith so she trusts lucky will be present in her life. This can be seen in how Lola has faith in winning at the Cassino, also Manny has “luck” to find the almoner. So the reaction of Lola because of the dog determines how Love, death and luck would be seen. 

As we can see, the dog is the element that unifies and at the same time makes the difference in the 3 plot lines of the movie. Because the timing is changed, the actions that Lola makes through the story are changed in function of how does she feels and the reaction of Lola defines love, death and luck in each segment of time.   

domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011

Character map of Helmut


He is from East Germany and as we can remember the cold war had deep influence in this place. To make the character map of Helmut I had to imagine how his life was in the past, before he moved into New York city. I think he has a dark past where he had problems because of the situation in the place he lived, I think he didn´t not agree with the ideologies of his country. Also I think he was lonely without a family and he lived with friends, but they betrayed him, so he was left alone in the world so he decided to move and search for a place where he can forget everything and start over again.

The mask
  • Taxi driver
  • Foreigner
  • Clown
  • Dumb
  • Not doing properly his job
  • Not following the rules
  • Failure
He wants to drive the passenger until the end.
When Yo-yo wanted to drive he hesitated about letting him do it.
In his start over in New York he is afraid to fail and to return to his country

Strong traits
  • Funny
  • Patient
  • Perseverant
  • Brave
He is patient becuase he doesn´t know how to drive or speak english, also at the end he doesnpt know where to go and still he was calmed. 
When Yo-yo didin´t want to ride the taxi anymore, Helmut was insistent to drive him (perseverant).
Although he didin´t knew where he was or how to speak english, he dares to go anywhere (brave).

Trouble traits
  •  Impulsive (He acts without thinking what would happen)
  •  Innocent 
  •  He doesn't know how to drive
  •  Have bad english skills
He is impulsive because he doesn´t think about what would be the consequences of his acts.

Dark side
Helmut doesn´t present a dark side easy to find so I think it would be:
  • People that are scared of new things, also that doesn´t dare to venture
  • People who betray
I think his dark side can be backed up with the admire traits, the opposite of the things he doesn´t like at all are the one that he admires. 

Admired traits
  • People that have a family and protect it
  • Outgoing
  • Gentile and Honest
Helmut smiles alot because of the relationship between Yo-yo and the sister in law
He is always is telling the sister in law  that she is nice, and she is a very outgoing girl
(Gentile and honest) Yo-yo helped him with the taxi, he taught him how to drive and also he give him the correct taxi fare

jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

Character Map

My character map    =D

The mask  

  •  Lad student
  •  Playful and happy girl
  •  non girly
  •  Hurt someone else
  •  Lose my family 
Strong traits
  • Responsable
  • Good daughter
  • Conscious
Trouble traits
  •  Caring. To think about other over me
  •  Trying to make problems softer
  •  Reason over feelings
Dark side
  • Materialist
  • People that don´t care about life
Admired traits
  • Passionate people
  • People that struggle to the end
  • Organized


sábado, 12 de febrero de 2011

Field Trip!

There are many place I woul recomend to go...

So far I researched about a festival of culture and arts in Mexico city. FMX festival, will be from march 10 to 27. There are many activities, here is the schedule:
And here is the main page

Also there is an exposition of cinema, video and television in world trade center. The only problem is that it would be in June (14 - 17)

domingo, 30 de enero de 2011


"What, drawn, and talk of peace! I hate the word. As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee: Have at thee, coward!"

One of the most popular written stories of all times is Shakespeare´s Romeo and Juliet. The romance story has been adapted to a modern film named “Romeo + Juliet” in 1996. This movie has the same storyline and characters; the only thing that was changed was the time and place. Because of the modern adjustment, characters personality and way of acting was affected so they could fit the adaption. In comparison with the original story, Romeo and Juliet 1996´s characters actions seemed to be more exaggerated.  So the best adaption, role and acting of the movie was Tybalt. I could say that Tybalt was the best character portrayed in this film.

First of all Tybalt is the best adapted character in “Romeo + Juliet”. In the movie all characters changed their personality in an odd way, Tybalt personality changed in the best way he could: the badass male character. As an example, Juliet’s mother personality was changed to a crazy mother that only knows how to shout and make the ridiculous. Otherwise, Tybalt was just mad to kill Montague crew, which is just an exaggeration of the original character. Tybalt clothes are according to his character. All of Montague crew´s clothes are very weird, why would they wear Hawaiian shirts? I would not think about guns and tropical clothes mixed together. Opposite, Tybalt wore black suits which it makes you think about mafia, and obviously you would think of guns. Also Tybalt main purpose in the story was highlighted because of the adaption. In the film, the scene when Tybalt kills Mercutio was set in a good place and in a good timing, which makes remember about his hate for Montague and loyalty for his house. This scene would be the main reason for the problems getting bigger between Montague and Capulet.

He is a good model of a perfect antagonist.  In the film is very clear that Tybalt was evil from the beginning until he dies. The movie begins with a confrontation between Montague and Capulet´s crew, where Tybalt is shown as a man with no mercy. Also until the end of his life he thought of shooting Romeo.  Tybalt made the most important action to ruin main character´s life.  If Tybalt would not kill Mercutio, Romeo would not kill Tybalt so anything of the rest would not have happened. He didn’t thought about the consequences of his actions. One of the most important thing of bad people is that they do not feel empathy or they would not feel bad for anything. In other words Tybalt is a senseless person, which we can corroborate when he stabbed Mercutio.

Finally the acting skills make you believe in the character. The facial expressions, his body posture and movements are from a stereotyped villain character. The typical mouth expression with a cigarette, the evil look of the eyes and the slow way of walking are some of the characteristics of Tybalt. Also the spectators can feel his hate for Montague. When an actor is portraying well his character you can feel his/her emotions; in this case Tybalt hate´s for Montague is seen in the first scene, also at the party and until the end when he kills Mercutio.  It makes you feel that he could not be forgiven. All Tybalt´s actions makes you hate him and misunderstand him. This could not be accomplished if his acting skills were bad.

So the adaption, the good representation of a perfect antagonist and the acting of Tybalt, makes him the best character portrayed in this film. I would say that Romeo + Juliet would not be worth watching movie without this fabulous character. 

domingo, 23 de enero de 2011

The Purple Rose of Cairo

Freytag's Pyramid

The main character and setting is defined. Cecilia is a daydreamer waitress who loves to watch movies at the cinema so she can escape from her life. She is married to Monk wich is a terrible husband, who doesn´t care and don´t love her. 
At the tonwn´s cinema, the movie "The Purple Rose of Cairo" is shown. So Cecilia watches the movie.
Inciting Moment

When Cecilia returns to her house, she sees her husband and a girl in the house. Cecilia decides to go away from home. Because Cecile is disappointed, she decides to watch the movie again so she can forget about her problems.

While watching the movie, Tom Baxter a character from the movie jumps out of the screen to talk to Cecilia.

Rising action
Tom Baxter is in love with Cecilia, so he decides to escape from the movie and starts dating Cecilia.
The movie is a chaos, and also the producer and Gil Shepherd (the actor that wasTom Baxter in the movie)  are involved in the case. They try to have a solution so the problem could be solved.

Gil in his search for his own creation (Tom) finds Cecilia. So finally Gil knows where Tom is.


Gil and Tom see each other. As a result they begin to fight about what was real and what was the best thing to do in this case.

Tom wants to be real so he could love Cecilia in all aspects. Cecilia shows Tom the "real life".

Falling action
Cecilia is discovered by his husband, causing her problems and a fight between Tom and Monk. Also she begans to be a good friend of Gil.

 Tom begins to experience what life is, he accidentally gets into a date house, so he discovers another panorama of life.

Gil and Cecilia fall in love.

Moment of Last Suspense

Cecilia is confused, Tom the fiction and Gil the reality are in love of her. And also she loves both. She needs to decide who she will love.


Cecilia decides to be with Gil, because he is something that is real. So she will go with him to Hollywood.
But at last, Gil decides to go alone and leave Cecilia
So Cecilia tries to forget about all her pain in the movies again. 

sábado, 15 de enero de 2011

What dreams may come

"What dreams may come is a great movie"

Have you ever wondered how heaven and hell look like? A movie called “What dreams may come” portrays the scenario of heaven and hell in a unique way. The story is based on the book of the same title by Richard Matheson. The combination of the story, the characters and scenarios makes this movie interesting. I can affirm that “What dreams may come” is a worth watching movie.

First, the story of this movie is great. It is very common on romantic dramas to know what will happen at the end, but in this movie it is not predictable at all. A group of unexpected events makes the spectator to question about what will happen further in the story. Also, the use of flashbacks through the film makes you understand more about the characters and their actions. The events in the narrative can make you go from laughing to crying as well.

The characters are very interesting. The way each character acts on specific situations, makes you think about human behavior. One of the questions that I made myself while watching it was: why do people act like that in painful situations? Another thing that is special about characters is their development. Through the movie, the characters evolve themselves changing their way of thinking and acting. Furthermore, the actors’ acting skills make you understand and feel the emotional events during the story.

Finally, the visual aspects are impressive. Heaven and hell are portrayed in a very unique way. In heaven, each person can live in the world they wanted to live; for example, the main character lives on his wife´s painting. The visual effects are extraordinary. As a result of the good effects used, the movie won an Oscar on this aspect. Moreover, the use of paint, mud, paper, and other strange material effects in the scenes makes the scenarios unbeatable.

The story, the characters and visual effects make this movie great. Therefore, I can say that this film is one of my favorites and also it is a worth watching movie.   

"After life, there is more"


"The gratification comes in the doing, not in the results"

"The gratification comes in the doing, not in the results" 
 -  James Dean  -

James Dean was an american icon of 50´s and also is one of the greatest screen legends of american cinema.
He was born in 1931 in Marion,Indiana and later on he moved to California, where he began his major in drama. In 1951, he dropped school to be a full-time actor in comercials and in  "Hill Number One". He began to struggle in Hollywood to obtain a job. Later on he acomplished to act in a movie called "East of eden"(1995).

Thanks to his appearance in "East of Eden", he got the main role for one of the most popular teen movies. "Rebel without a cause"(1995) and "Giant" (1996) were the most important movies of his acting career. Both of these movies are distinguished as "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant." by  United States National Film Registry. Also he became the first actor to receive a posthumous Academy Award nomination for Best Actor in these two movies. 

On September 30 1995, James Dean died in a car accident while having a car race in California

More about James Dean

"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" 
-James Dean-

martes, 11 de enero de 2011

Calling Home

It was midnight and I couldn´t sleep, next day was my first day of school and I was praying for more summer vacations. Being the whole day in my house during summer for my mother means doing cleaning and making house stuff. Sometimes I thought I really hate doing cleaning, but still that night before school I would rather prefer doing chores and being in my house than making school work.  The thoughts of denying that my precious spare time was going to decrease caused me to fell asleep.  The next day was unavoidable, the annoying sound of the alarm was bouncing in my head during a few minutes. Even though the night before I was all mad about school, while taking a shower and eating breakfast I realized that it was new semester so It was a chance for me to improve in all aspects. “I should be more organized, make better notes with nice handwriting, don´t be late, make all my homework, improve my grades” where some of the things I told to myself while I was stuck in the middle of the traffic.
Unconsciously the first period of school went by, Biology was my last period exam and I didn´t answered it well at all. I began to remember what I told to myself the first day of classes, and sadly I realized I failed to kept my promises. Although I was a little bit disappointed of myself there was still hope: Second Period. Anyway in my mind I kept asking myself:  Why the first day of all years and the first day for work we usually make promises if we know we would only be keeping them in the first weeks? Unhappily after my horrible first period I didn´t made anything to change, and in a blink of an eye third and last period was almost over. I truly began to think that maybe I would change and be better in grades for the last period, but in my mind I kept asking me, why I wasn´t giving my best for school? Does everyone that makes promises about changing themselves fail attempting it?
One day in the evening I was enjoying my time in the cafeteria just talking about dumb things, I remembered that I needed to call home. I couldn´t ever imagine what was happening in my house at that moment. “Hello” my mom answered in a very tearful voice, what´s happening mom? I could felt that I would hear something really bad. “Your uncle is in the hospital, you know he is very sick” I didn´t thought of anything else, the only thought in my mind was of failure. School finished and I couldn´t raise my grades, also the worst thing happened in the year, my uncle passed away. I realized that although he was a very hard working person, he really enjoyed his life. Also he never failed to keep his promises and he struggled until the last moment. This is one of the most important things I remember since that day: give your best until the last moment and enjoy everything you do, so you can have a happy life.
Now every time that is a new beginning I don´t promise anything to myself, I just do things while thinking about enjoying them and giving my best for doing them